Thursday, February 21, 2019

The toughest trial of Messenger Abraham (AS)

Certainly, God tested all the Messengers in different ways to judge their devotion and no one could be found being a failure. Though all the tests were found the hard the toughest trial was to face the Prophet Abraham (AS). When he realized that idols are helpless even their own assistance then he tried to find the real Lord. Eventually, God veiled His existence in the heart of Abraham.

Thus, he started to preach the oneness of God to the people who bitterly had indulged into idolatry. On the other hand, they entirely rejected the faith of Monotheism by saying, it is the tradition of their forefather and they would not restrain from their faith of idolatry. 

However, one day finding an opportunity to demolish all the idols, he broke all of them. When disbelievers came to know, thus they decided to put Abraham (AS) into a huge fire. So, they did so but Allah (SWT) rescued His truthful man from the fire. This was the greatest test of Abraham (AS) in which he remained steadfast and trust in God. Seeing safe and sound to Prophet Abraham (AS), they thought him as a magician and struck off him from their land.

Eventually, Abraham (AS) build the holy sanctuary of Mecca and settled with their descendants who further spread the Monotheism on the earth. Today, several pilgrims visit the holy sanctuary of Mecca to perform Hajj or Umrah. If you have planned to visit the holy place, so cheap Umrah Packages 2019 will be the best option. 

Millions of pilgrims make their arrangements during the Fasting days because of acquiring the Hajj’s equal reward as the Prophet of God said, proceeding the Umrah in this spell is equal to Hajj’s reward. Since pilgrims are very near to Divinity due to sympathetic state that is why Allah (SWT) grants an immense intrinsic worth. Thus, Umrah Package will more fulfill your Umrah desire.

But, if you could not perform the Umrah under the tropical atmosphere then you should find another spell which could become a suitable time for you. Moreover, you should also fulfill your domestic essentials because without accomplishing the family’s necessaries pilgrims are not allowed to perform Umrah. Thus, in such a situation, you must grab the Cheap Ramadan Umrah Packages 2019 which will be proved the awesome Umrah experience as well.

So, if you are a history lover and want to visit all the Islamic spots which recall the antiquity of Islamic events then this spell will live up your aspiration. The reason behind pilgrims coming from cool countries is obviously due to finding the ideal atmosphere.Yet, being a Muslim we should away from any kind of Shirk because this is an unpardoned sin.

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